Royal Rangers

Royal Rangers is a ministry that reaches across the United States and in over 80 nations around the world. It focuses on helping boys develop in four main areas:

·        Spiritually – through Bible study and memorization, devotionals, and Christian role models.

·        Mentally – by earning merit awards at weekly meetings.

·        Physically – through activities, games, crafts, and camping.

·        Socially – through interaction at church and community service.

Our church’s group, or OUTPOST, meets during weekly Wednesday night church service.  Each outpost is divided into four classes by age.  Within these classes, boys are put into Patrols.  PATROLS are made up of 4-8 boys who work together as a team. 

Weekly meetings include:

  • Bible Study/Scripture Memorization
  • Earning Merits
  • Games
  • Crafts/Projects
  • Devotionals
  • Patrol Corners

Activities Include:

·         Pow Wow- 2-3 day campout with competitions against other outposts

·         Field Day – A day of fun and games where Ranger Kids compete with other outposts

·         Academy – A week long summer camp

·         Ranger of the Year - top ranger from each class competes against other rangers from Lafayette area and Louisiana

·         Bring food baskets to needy families

·         Community service work

·         Supporting other ministries of the church

·         Gun Safety and shooting

·         Knife, Ax, and Saw safety and use

·         Tomahawk and Knife throwing

·         Archery

·         Rock Climbing

·         Local Weekend Campouts

·         Water Balloon Fun

·         Canoeing

·         Bike Rodeo

·         Hiking

·         Building Projects

·         Cooking

·         Knot Tying

·         Fire Building

·         Camping Skills

·         Rappelling

·         Wilderness Survival

·         Leadership Training

·         AND MANY MORE!!!